One of the greatest developments of the last few years is the availability of at-home therapy devices. It’s a remarkable step forward for those who used to have to travel to spas or clinics for things like red light therapy. Now, we’re able to purchase things like red light therapy devices and use them in the comfort of our own homes. It really is an astounding step forward!
For those who are using these devices at home, what you’re missing now is the instruction and attention that you would get from someone working at a clinic or spa—provided it’s a space with that kind of service, of course.
Regardless of where you’re located when you’re using red light therapy, it is still important that you follow a few simple suggestions so that you can get the greatest benefit out of your treatment.
So, today, you can think of us as your virtual spa attendant. We’re not going to try to replace your clinician or healthcare work, as you’ll see below. They’re still an important part of your healing team. We will, though, offer you the best information we currently have on hand to help you get the most out of your red light therapy treatments. Let’s get started!
1. Clarify your objectives
Well, this does seem kind of obvious at its heart, but you really need to have a comprehensive understanding of what it is that you’re trying to achieve. This will help you, and the healthcare professional who guides you (see below) to make a plan for your treatment. It will also help you to set waypoints for monitoring your progress. And we’ll talk more about that later, too.
People use red light therapy for a lot of different reasons. Here are a few avenues of treatment where our customers are finding results:
Pain relief: Whether you have arthritis and need some relief, are suffering from the effects of shingles, or have gout that is plaguing you day and night, red light therapy can be a helper in treating that pain. We also have athletes who use RLT for enhanced muscle recovery. Because it’s therapy you can do yourself, at home, it’s becoming a popular choice.
Tighten and firm loose skin: Father Time is inescapable. Each day we get a little older, and with each day, our skin can get a little saggier. It can also happen for those who have shed some pounds. There are a lot of different ways that you can rejuvenate your skin, and one of the best ways—with virtually no side effects—is red light therapy. What happens is there is a biochemical reaction that gives oxygen a free path, giving the cells that the oxygen reaches the opportunity to be more efficient. It’s a great way to say no to Father Time!
Turn that frown upside down: Not to be flippant about it, but we couldn’t be happier about the effects of red light therapy for treating depression. Regular exposure to red light can help to reduce depression.
With your goals identified, you can get in touch with your healthcare professional, and start working on a plan. And that’s the next step!
2. Make sure you talk to a healthcare professional
We can’t stress this enough: before you start any kind of at-home therapy, please consult with a healthcare professional. Whether it’s a dermatologist, your liver specialist, or your psychiatrist, it’s important that you come to an understanding of how you’re going to employ red light therapy as part of your treatment with them. There are very few contraindications in red light therapy, but there are those who will need help in understanding how, when, and if they should be trying this method.
Safety first, right?
And once that’s done, you can decide together which device is right for you.
3. Get the right device for your needs
There are a lot of different factors that can influence your choice of red light therapy device. Of course, what you're treating will play a part. There’s also cost, as well as whether or not you have room to fit the one you want or need into your home environment.
Like anything that’s worthwhile, red light therapy devices are an investment and you don’t want to settle for second best. However, once you’ve made that investment, you are free to do your treatments whenever you want, without having to pay a spa or other facility.
As it happens, we have a fairly comprehensive guide to purchasing a red light therapy device. So instead of repeating it here, head over to this article and get the detailed information you need to help you make the right decision.
4. Find the right frequency and timing
If you were the singer in R.E.M., you might ask, what’s the frequency that’s right for red light therapy, Kenneth? And how long should each session last? Well, we’re glad you asked.
The truth is, the answer is different for every single person and for every unique requirement.
Factors that play into making this decision are things like tolerance, the kind of device you're using and its output, and how your body reacts to the therapy.
The results take time, so you’ll have to stick with it, friends. But the important thing to note is that red light therapy is not harmful at any dose. But what you may be doing by spending too much time, or treating yourself too frequently, is just wasting your time.
Mostly, you’ll be doing a 10-20 minute session and you’ll be doing that anywhere from three to five times a week. The best thing to do is monitor your progress as you’re going along. And we’ll talk about that later, too!
5. Get your skin ready for treatment
This one is simple, but effective and very necessary.
The entire basis of the effectiveness of red light therapy is contingent on how the light is able to penetrate your skin. As such, it’s important that your skin is clear of makeup, dirt, and oils for optimum penetration. And besides, we all feel better with freshly cleansed skin, don’t we?
In addition, make sure to stay clear of lotions or things like sunscreen before you do your treatments. By doing so, you’ll get the maximum light penetration and the best results.
6. Ready, aim, treatment!
Remember when your parents told you that you were sitting too close to the television? Well, guess what? You might be sitting too close to your red light therapy device. Just like in real estate, one of the keys to proper treatment is location, location, location.
This is not an exact science. This means that you might not get it right the first, second, or even third try. But you’ll find out what’s best for you as you go along.
In general, you can expect to be anywhere from 12-36 inches away for things like skin issues. And when you’re targeting issues that are deeper, like tissues and joints, you’ll want to be something like 8 to 12 inches away. You can find a helpful red light therapy dosage calculator here.
Make sure, as well, that you’ve got your device positioned in such a way as it’s able to hit the area you’re targeting directly and that there are no obstructions. This way you’ll get the right light intensity for the best possible treatment.
7. Protect your eyes
You wouldn’t look directly into a solar eclipse, would you? Of course not. You care about your eyes.
Red light therapy isn’t going to damage your eyes in the way that an eclipse would, so don’t let that scare you. But, we absolutely recommend that you use protective goggles when you’re in a therapy session.
As it happens, many of our red light therapy devices come with goggles for this very reason. There are some smaller devices that do not, as they’re generally used when directly targeting certain areas, but we do, absolutely recommend against looking right into the LED lights when they’re turned on. They’re bright. You’ll see.
8. Increase your water intake
You’re drinking water regularly, right? Even if you’re not doing some kind of at-home therapy, you’ve got to stay hydrated.
And when you’re doing red light treatments, it is absolutely crucial to the effectiveness of your therapy to be well hydrated. The reason: according to some research, you may find that red light therapy targets cells that are well hydrated better than ones that are not.
It’s a good reason to drink a glass of water—at least—before and after your red light therapy session. It helps with your therapy, and it goes a long way to supporting your overall health.
9. Make sure you have realistic expectations
You’re excited about starting your red light therapy. You get a new device, you do a couple treatments and, what’s this? Nothing has happened yet?
Well, folks, the simple fact is that everything worth having is worth waiting for, and it’s just as true for red light therapy.
It’s going to take time to see results. If you haven’t seen the results you’re after immediately, remember that Rome wasn’t built in a day and wonderful things take time to materialize. Consistency and frequency will play key roles in your recovery, no matter what issue it is that you’re targeting.
Patience, friends. It’s worthwhile.
10. Keep track of your progress daily
We’ve already talked about the fact that red light therapy requires an investment in time before you start seeing results. You may start to see results slowly, or it might happen when you least expect it.
Whatever the case, make sure you monitor your progress as you go along. You might want to keep a daily journal in which you can make notes of the improvements you’re seeing, and to monitor the decrease in the severity of the symptoms you’re experiencing. If you’re treating skin issues, think about taking some pictures on a daily basis so you can see the effects of the therapy as you progress.
As you continue to monitor what’s happening, you’ll be able to make adjustments to your treatments, should they be necessary. You’ll be able to use the information you gather to make decisions that are informed by actual data. Hey, look at you. You’re a scientist now. Keep going!
11. Increase effectiveness with other therapies
As you know, red light therapy is not the only game in town. In fact, there are a lot of different therapeutic treatments that can be beneficial to your condition. When you’re consulting with your healthcare professional, always make sure to find out about other treatments you could be using to help you with your symptoms or condition.
For example, athletes are seeing incredible results when combining red light therapy with hyperbaric oxygen treatments. For those of you who are trying to get rid of cellulite, you may find that a little cardio session after your red light treatment can be beneficial.
You may find that massage therapy is something that can enhance circulation, thereby increasing the effectiveness of red light therapy. Meditation is also a way to enhance your treatment, with many people finding that adding meditation to their sessions helps them feel calmer and less stressed, and makes massive improvements in daily routines.
Make sure you discuss the other treatments you can use to increase the effectiveness of red light therapy with your healthcare professional!
12. Remember to be consistent and committed
In an remarkably astute fit of sagacity, Khloe Khardashian once said the following:
We all have to start somewhere, and doing something is better than nothing at all. Start small so you don't get discouraged and give up. Remember it is all about consistency.
Well, gosh, Khloe. We couldn’t agree more. But unlike the famously pampered TV star, most of us have to deal with things like getting the kids to school, doing laundry, and making sure that we’re eating healthily.
We know that it’s tough to be consistent, but it is absolutely necessary. And you can do it!
For the best results, consistency “is your greatest ally for seeing red light therapy benefits.” Making sure that you’re getting the minimum recommended number of sessions per week, and ensuring that you’re getting 10-20 minutes out of each session are the keys to seeing results.
Commitment is hard. Red light therapy is like any relationship: you get out of it what you put in. To paraphrase Paul McCartney in the song, The End:
And in the end
The results you get from red light therapy
Are equal to the time you spend in front of your device
We’ll say it again: You can do it!
You can be successful with red light therapy treatments
If you follow the advice we’ve outlined here, you’ll be well on your way to getting the most out of your red light therapy treatment. We also want to make sure you consider adding some supporting lifestyle decisions to help you along.
You already know that you are what you eat. The results of any kind of therapy are going to be dictated by a lot of different factors, and diet and nutrition are significant factors that play a role in how effective your therapy will be.
Make sure that you’re getting food that’s rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Stick to fruits and vegetables. Avoid fatty foods and look, instead, for lean proteins, healthy fats, and leafy greens. Swap out that burger you’re craving for a delicious piece of fish.
Also, avoiding caffeine and alcohol can help in many ways. You’ll sleep better, which is an added benefit, and your body will have what it needs to help you get the most out of your red light therapy.
Employing these complementary additions to your therapy—along with everything we talked about in this article—are key to helping you to recover in the most efficient way possible.
And when you have questions, don’t hesitate to reach out. We’re happy to help!